Nick MacKechnie
#8 wire kinda guy.....

So what about the rain eh...... 61.2 mm since midnight

Monday, 9 August 2010 09:25 by Nick MacKechnie

Hi All,

So I’ve decided enough is enough… let’s see where this journey takes us. Here’s the email I’ve just sent to the Christchurch City Council complaints department and our local MP about the drainage challenges we’ve been having at home..



Update – 9th August 2010

For those that know me well will know that I’m a stickler for principles (sometimes a good thing, sometimes not so much) and since peoples personal safety is at risk, I followed up again this morning to try and achieve an acknowledgement of the issue from the Council.

So…I fired off an email to some other potentially interested parties, as I hadn’t heard anything by lunchtime, and I was quickly greeted with a response from the Mayors Office, as well as a confirmation from the Christchurch City Council complaints resolution department stating that they had received my emails, and they will be in contact within 10 working days. 



So we’ll see what the next 10 working days brings J

Update - 26 August 2010


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Update - 27th of August 2010

I just had a call from the Christchurch City Council in the wake of last nights email (above). Thanks Owen Southen (Senior Contract Manager, Land Drainage) for the phone call, and speaking and listening to common sense – I should receive a letter from the Majors office over the next few days - CCC are aware of the issue, and are working with the park rangers across the road into how they can address this flooding issue – most probably replacing the drainage pipe that isn’t coping well with the large volume of water.

Owen apologised  for the lack of response until now, and was more than happy to supply his direct contact details. So once I receive the letter and see the contents, I’ll then be back in contact to see where to from here.

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